Angel Aura Crystal Hearts are a wonderful accent of color in your crystal collection!
Why you'll love this
✅ Colorful addition to the collection: Angel Aura crystal hearts are a vibrant and colorful addition to any crystal collection, bringing wonderful colors and energy.
✅ Unique Process and Features: These heart shaped crystals go through a unique process where amethyst is heated which turns the crystals orange, followed by the angel aura process. The result is orange crystals loaded with angel aura and full of rainbows.
✅ Powerful Rainbow Aura: By fusing titanium atoms with quartz, rainbow aura crystals feature vibrant colors and combine the strength of quartz with the power of titanium, making them powerful tools for balance and enlightenment.
✅ Balancing and Third Eye Opening: Ideal for rebalancing the body and opening the third eye and higher crown chakras, these crystals are perfect for spiritual and emotional healing.
✅ Stunning rainbows in the light: These crystals display beautiful rainbows that change as you move them in the light, giving them a dynamic and mesmerizing quality.
✅ Authentic and Unique Piece: Each Angel Aura Heart Crystal is one of a kind, ensuring that the piece you see is what you receive, adding a personal touch to your spiritual journey.